Pastor David – Herald Palladium

  • Erasing Uncomfortable History

    The Bible tells stories that make people uncomfortable because they portray “heroes of the faith” like King David in a bad light. Like many other pastors, I usually preach from the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year list of scriptures that forces preachers to visit passages we might otherwise ignore, so we’re not just preaching our…

  • Hey, God.

    Jesus said when you pray, say “Our Father,” but I haven’t done that much in the past few years, except during “The Lord’s Prayer” in church. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray “Our Father,” it was a term of intimacy, inviting them to view God as a parent, someone who cares about them and…

  • The Middle of the Story

    I went to film school before I went to seminary. In film school, I learned about the “Hero’s Journey,” a framework for talking about stories, popularized by Joseph Campbell. The “Journey” starts with the call to adventure, followed by the rejection of the call, and so on. While I was watching a movie last week,…

  • Reclaiming the Rainbow

    Last month was Pride month. Rainbow flags sprouted up everywhere, as did Christians who bemoaned the selection of the rainbow as a symbol. Many complain, “They stole the rainbow from God!” and try to “reclaim” the rainbow to make it symbolize what the Bible says. That becomes more difficult on a closer reading of the…

  • The Parable of the Talents, Revisited

    The parable of the talents has always bothered me. If you’re not familiar with it, in Luke 19 Jesus tells the story of a nobleman who goes on a trip and gives ten of his servants, by my math, almost $500,000 each and tells them to do business with it until he gets back. One…

  • Feel Your Feels

    If you happen to turn on your television or computer (or even open your newspaper or advertising mailer), you’re likely to see advertisements of people who are happy because they purchased the latest Thing – a new car, a new truck, new prescription medicine, a new streaming service, a dating app, even a hamburger and…

  • There Is No Tiger

    I recently had a meeting that I was very anxious about. I worried I had done something wrong and was going to be in trouble. I played and replayed different things I wanted to say in my head. As I headed for the meeting, I could feel the adrenaline making my heart pump faster and…

  • Who’s afraid of Exvangelicals?

    I was writhing in fury in the balcony of a Colorado Springs megachurch one Saturday night in 2013. I gripped my wife’s hand tightly. It was probably good that we were sitting in the balcony because I have never wanted to punch a preacher more than I did that night. I had spent the past…

  • ‘Jesus has very bad taste in humans’

    A few weeks ago, Hemant Mehta, aka the Friendly Atheist, posted a story on Twitter about Christians behaving badly. He posted it with the comment: “Jesus has very bad taste in humans.” Many Christians would probably agree that Jesus has bad taste, including the apostle Paul, who described himself as the chief of sinners; and…

  • Thoughts on atheism and kindness

    Because of Psalm 14:1 (“Fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God’”) there are jokes about April Fools’ Day being “Atheist Day.” The problem is, the psalmist likely had no concept of the modern idea of atheism. Ironically, the earliest Christians were called atheists because they didn’t worship the gods of the nations around…